Softstudy Progress Report

Softstudy Progress Report

A breakdown of our progress as a team for the first week.


4 min read


Before I start bordering you about the progress we have made for the past week, it is really important that you get to know the wonderful brains behind this great project to helps students with their way of studying. The flyer below is contains the picture of the team leader, assistant and members. More people will be added to the team's member flyer soon as they continue showing up and the colors used will also be changed as our graphics designers are already creating a brand guide for us. Don't be bordered about the colors not matching up, it is temporary and will soon be taken down.

SOFTSTUDY Team Members Flyer

The team is super amazing because everyone has decided to put in the required work and effort to make sure it becomes a reality. There is also the need to understand that some of the team members are workers in their respective organizations and they have always carved out time out of their busy work schedules just to make sure that students who experience difficulties while studying can have access to what will help them study in a better way (which is the major aim of our digital platform).

I would have loved to state our purpose, vision and mission as a startup but more on that on another blog. I hope you already have a little grasp of it even if I will not be stating them on this post.


It's time we begin with the serious talk. Let's now dive in.

Below is a breakdown of the progress for each sub team as at Sun. June 12 2022. As they are seriously working to make sure everything is well set to enable students study better by using data and technology to help them.😊


Our digital marketers have successfully created our social media handles which includes; Facebook, twitter and Instagram you can start expecting post from us soon. These are the links ; Twitter Instagram Facebook You can start following us to receive updates whenever we make a post. They have completed work on our content calendar and social media strategy for the month of June. Below are some sample proofs of the work they did.

Screenshot_20220612-170332_1.jpg Screenshot_20220612-170251_1.jpg content calender.png


Our graphics designers have creatively come up with a brand guide that we shall be using for the startup. They have created a series of logos but one has been selected for use at the moment.

logo.png 20220612_184254.jpg 20220612_184318.jpg 20220612_184832.jpg 20220612_185102.jpg


Our product designers has successfully conducted a user research and they are currently working on the low fidelity wire frames. They've really made a lot of progress as at now but the wireframes are not yet ready.


Our product managers are seriously working to make sure that the user flow for our digital platform will be an engaging, fruitful and successful one.

Screenshot_20220611-185016_1.png user.png


A video will soon be launched by our video animators to keep our audience busy and to also let them know that something amazing is coming their way and they should get prepared for it.


Our coming soon landing page has been successfully deployed by the frontend team. When our users and target audience land on our page there is a section for them to subscribe to our newsletter to keep them updated always while we work on the main website. The newsletter feature is connected to MailChimp, therefore their emails are secured. This is the link to our temporary site SoftStudy .


The backend team are still working with the product managers in order to come up with a tangible ERD. About the technical deep drive they are doing, It is well 🤣🤣🤣. They should be done latest by tomorrow evening.


They have been able to come up with the FAQ(s) which will be added to the landing page very soon. Some sample FAQ(s) FAQ1.png faq2.png FAQ3.png


They are still working on their given task due to bulk of it. Details of their progress will be communicated when ready.


They are still working together with our product design and product management team respectively and they will soon come up with a tangible research data.

That is all for the progress of the respective teams at softstudy.


discover a better way to improve on your studies.